Login Form with Icons using only HTML & CSS
Hello Readers, welcome to my other blog, today in this blog I’m going to create a login form and add some social media icons into the login form by using only HTML & CSS. In an earlier blog, I have shared How To Create Neumorphism Effect on Social Media Icons and now let’s get into the login form.
In the easiest way, we can say, login form means is an entry form where users need to enter their identification (phone number or email address and password ) to enter in the particular webpage. All users have their unique email address or phone and password. If the users don’t have they can create a new one by click on the signup button.
As you can see in the given image on the webpage, at the top of the image there is a logo with a text login form, the bottom of this logo there is two social media icon of Facebook and Twitter which helps the user to directly make login account by facebook identity or Twitter identity. Bottom of the social media icons there is two input field one is for an email address or phone and another is for password and bottom of these input field there is one login button which is used to submit users email and password.
If you are feeling difficulty understanding this program[Login Form with Icons], I have provided a full video tutorial about this program. You can watch the full video to clear all your confusion.
Full video Tutorial of Login Form with Icons using HTML & CSS
As you have seen in the video, there is a logo named login form, under this logo, there are two social media button one is for Facebook and another is for Twitter and I have given them the original color which their creator had given when we hover in this button their back color change slightly. Did you notice when we clicked on the login button without typing, some message appears from the input field for us to put our email and password? Under the password field, I have given one remember button which makes easy for the user to login easily without typing email or password and there forgets password button in the right which is used to recovery when user forgot their email or password. Under the login button, there is one signup button that is used to create new login details.
If you have general knowledge about HTML & CSS then you can easily create this program and if you have knowledge about JavaScript then you can add other functions to make this works. Those friends who are feeling difficult to make this form, don’t worry I have provided all source code files in below. You can copy-paste the given links freely.
You Can Download All Source Code Files From the Given Link. <a href=”https://www.codinglabweb.com/2020/12/login-form-with-icons-using-only-html.html”> Click Here to Download All Source Code Files</a>